Steps for your success

Arriving early to the session is always a plus. Be aware that studio time does not begin until you are physically in the studio.
The Comfort
The room itself has acoustic panels all around in order to control echo, reduce noise, and unwanted reflected sound.
It also has different colored lights for ambiance if the artist would like a different feel for the room. The instruments requested will also be present at this time.

The Control Room
The audio engineer and/or producer will be located in a separate room called the control room.
The artist is more than welcome to take a look in the control room to see what equipment the audio technicians will be utilizing.
The Audio Engineer and the Artist
The audio engineer may also be known as the producer for the upcoming recording. The audio engineer will have a microphone to give instructions to the artist in the adjoining room.
The audio engineer is in full control of the situation. Listen to the audio engineer in order to make the process go as smoothly as possible. They may also have several mixing boards (analog/digital), pre-amps, monitors, and digital effects processors in order to give the artist the best sound for whichever end product they would like presented.
Once the artist is comfortable with their surroundings, the recording can begin.